Special strand 2025

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Collective identities and group solidarities in the late Middle Ages.


During the IMMLleida, we want to emphasise a specific objective: Collective identities and group solidarities in the late Middle Ages.

In Middle Ages, humans were never alone. Men and women in the Middle Ages only have meaning within a collectivity, as a form of group solidarity and collective identity, whether it is the senatorial bond, the village, the town, the nation... Over the last few years, historiography has deepened our knowledge of collective identities and group solidarity. It is a good time to review the current state of research in IMMLleida.

Invited speakers:

Tuesday 3rd-June, 16:00h: Inaugural conference by Philippe Buc (Leiden University), Title to be confirmed

Friday 6th-June, 13:00h: Closing conference by Brian Catlos (University of Colorado), Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death: The Dynamics of Diversity in the Medieval Spains.


Tuesday 3rd-June (time to be confirmed):

Lydwine Scordia (Université de Rouen), La communauté du royaume: le roi et les Français à la fin du XVe siècle. 

Léonard Dauphant (Université de Lorraine), La « langue de France », l'occitan et l'invention du peuple français (XIIIe-XVe siècles).


Wednesday 4th-June (time to be confirmed):

Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin (Université de Lille), Les solidarités de groupe à l'épreuve du bien commun dans les villes du Nord-Ouest de l'Europe à la fin du Moyen Âge.

Carles Rabassa (Universitat Jaume I), Elements de cohesió i acció col·lectiva en les comunitats polítiques del nord valencià (s. XIV-XV).

Luciano Gallinari (Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea), A long century of profound changes from one peninsula to another: the history and historiography of Sardinia from the end of the 13th century to the first half of the 15th.

Amedeo Feniello (Università degli Studi Dell'Aquila), Solidarietà familiari e controllo degli spazi urbani a Napoli nel XIV secolo.


Thursday 5th-June (time to be confirmed):

José Augusto Soto Mayor Pizarro (Universidade do Porto), Title to be confirmed

Kurt Villads Jensen (Stockholm University), Identities and solidarity among the aristocratic elite in the Kalmar Union (1397-1520).

Karen Stöber (Universitat de Lleida), Challenging identity. Religion meets politics at Strata Marcella Abbey.

Herminia Vilar (Universidade de Evora), Title to be confirmed

Martine Charageat (Université Bordeaux Montaigne), Solidaridad entre vivos y muertos: el destino de los enforcados en Teruel en 1422.


Friday 6th-June (time to be confirmed):


Miguel A. Motis (Universidad San Jorge), Las comunidades judías en Aragón: claves de identidad, cohesión y solidaridad de una minoría confesional (ss. XII-XV).

Claire Soussen (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale), Title to be confirmed





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