Call for papers IMMLleida 2025

The 13th International Medieval Meeting Lleida will take place in Lleida from 3rd to 6th June 2025.

The Organizing Team of IMMLleida invites you to participate in this new edition. There you will find strands focused in leading aspects of Medieval Studies and the special strand: "Collective identities and group solidarities in the late Middle Ages".

Special strand: Collective identities and group solidarities in the late Middle Ages. See invited speakers

+ Invited strand: Revisiting the cathedral and its space. Liturgical sources and architecture. See invited speakers


During the IMMLleida, we want to emphasise a specific objective: Collective identities and group solidarities in the late Middle Ages.

Invited speakers:

Philippe Buc (Leiden University), Brian Catlos (University of Colorado), Martine Charageat (Université Bordeaux Montaigne), Léonard Dauphant (Université de Lorraine), Amedeo Feniello (Università degli Studi Dell'Aquila), Luciano Gallinari (Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea), Élodie Lecuppre-Desjardin (Université de Lille), Miguel A. Motis (Universidad San Jorge), Carles Rabassa (Universitat Jaume I), Lydwine Scordia (Université de Rouen), José Augusto Soto Mayor Pizarro (Universidade do Porto), Claire Soussen (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale), Karen Stöber (Universitat de Lleida), Kurt Villads Jensen (Stockholm University), Herminia Vilar (Universidade de Evora).


This year, IMMLleida offers an invited strand in Art History on "Revisiting the cathedral and its space. Liturgical sources and architecture". 

Invited speakers:

Tess Knighton (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona); Ángel Martínez Catalán (Archivo de la Catedral de Cuenca); Francisco Juan Martínez Rojas (Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Granada-S.I. Catedral de Jaén); María José Lop Otín (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).

The coordinator of this strand, Eduardo Carrero Santamaría (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), will make an introduction entitled: A decade of liturgical studies on cathedrals.